Thursday, July 28, 2011

Egg Harbor

We came into Door County on Tuesday from the upper peninsula of Michigan. We had been here before, but I seemed to have forgotten the beauty of this area. We drove right up through the middle of the peninsula, where there are many cherry orchards ( now heavily loaded with the fruit), vineyards, and  fields of corn, peas, and wheat. When we checked into our campground the park's host informed us that we may pick blueberries and raspberries in the campground, as well as the sweet peas in the nearby field. What a wonderful time of the year to be here! The weather averages in the mid eighties during the day, and becomes quite cool as the sun come down. Yesterday, Wednesday, it was cloudy with some misting and by late afternoon a heavy fog rolled in. That is probably all the wet weather we will have for awhile. Door County is one of the driest counties in Wisconsin because Green Bay in not large enough to cause "lake effect" precipitation. We have already taken some time to drive into the little village of  Egg Harbor.
The cool, damp weather had driven many of the tourists into the little shops of the village yesterday. Because of that it probably was not a good day to purchase the cherries, wine and cheese which we needed for the coming wedding festivities this week-end. For some of you who may not know our family, we are here in Egg Harbor because of our son's wedding and a family reunion which will start the day after the wedding. Lots of good times ahead, and a wonderful opportunity to catch up with friends and family. Maybe after things slow up a bit I will  be able to write more on Door County. We are off now to pick up son Michael in Green Bay. Daniel and Amanda (groom and bride-to-be) have a stop to make at the courthouse this morning, we will have a chance to see them before leaving for Green Bay.

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