Friday, April 23, 2010

Olympic Game Farm

I want to post one more picture taken in the town of Port Townsend. In the downtown area of the town are these stairs leading up to the residential section. In some ways this town reminded me of Galena Illinois.
Yesterday we drove to Olympic Game Farm. When we purchased our tickets we were asked whether we wanted a loaf of bread to feed the animals.  We did purchase one and that made our drive through the park a very amusing one. Once the animals and birds figured out that we were a car with food, the feeding frenzy began.
In case you are wondering that is white fallow deer in the picture above. And it was not only llamas,deer, yaks, bison and elk after our food. We also had to contend with peacocks, sparrows and gulls. We learned very fast not to open our windows completely.
 Even little bunnies started hopping down the road after our car! Would you believe they like bread? One rabbit even stood on his hind legs with his paws out for food- I really wanted to get a picture of that but I didn't move fast enough. Supposedly the farm does feature some world-famous animal actors, maybe he was one of them. It seemed a cool day to me, but the grizzly pictured below looked like he was feeling warm.
We were not ready to head back home yet after touring the farm. We wanted to get in some hiking so we drove to Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge. Dungeness Spit,as the refuge is also called, is one of the world's longest natural sand spits. It is about 5.5 miles long and continuing to grow at 20 feet per year. Hikers are restricted to the north shore of the spit. Piles of driftwood create the dividing line between the visitors and the refuge located on the southern side of the sand bar. It does makes for a good bird blind from which it is possible to view the many species of birds likely to be present there. Unfortunately while we were there it was cold and windy, we were not about to stop our hiking to view any birds! What was exciting for me on that hike was a tiny purple orchid which I found in the forest next to the seashore. That completed what turned out for me to be a wonderful Earth Day.

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