Monday, July 28, 2014

Falls of the Ohio State Park

Just had to post one final parting shot of the wildflowers which we enjoyed East Harbor State Park.  Besides the coneflowers pictured above we also saw lots of beebalm and chicory.
Last Thursday we were parked near another body of water, the north shore of the Ohio River in Clarksville, Indiana.  And Clarksville is north, or across the river from Lexington, Kentucky.  We have been on Eastern Standard Time, but now we are getting use to Central Standard again.  It has all been confusing, I just try not to dwell on it too seriously.  The falls of the Ohio River are pictured above- they really are not like Niagara Falls as you can see.  They use to be a series of rapids caused by water flowing over ledges of hard limestone.composed of large numbers of fossils.  A dam was built in the 1920s and the flow of water was restricted, now most of the rapids are covered with water.
The Falls of the Ohio River State Park has historical significance.  Pictured above is a statue of Lewis and Clark.  A plaque under their figures notes "When they shook hands the Lewis and Clark expedition began".  The two men met at the home of George Rogers Clark, the older brother of William who founded and licved in Clarksville.  Saturday morning we moved further into Kentucky, near Mammouth Cave National Park, where my family, the Lohrmanns, are having a family reunion.  I think that this year we are having close to about 80 in attendance, it is the largest reunion for us so far!

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